Wallpaper can increase visual interest by adding pattern, texture and accent color to a room. They are a dramatic way to define a room style. For example, a bold abstract print gives a contemporary feel , while a small floral design will suggest a more traditional or country feel within the space.
Tip One
Small prints add a touch of pattern to the overall background colour, forming a subtle backdrop. Mini prints in light, cool colors and fine textures applied to the walls creates a feeling of more space in a small room. If the print is in a warm, dark color, the opposite response occurs. They are often used in kitchens, bathrooms and other small spaces.
Tip Two
Large patterns add the most visual interest to a room. They can also make a room seem smaller and more intimate so we recommend sticking to one or two walls within the room just to add that pop of colour.
Tip Three
Geometric prints which have become increasingly popular give a greater impression of continuous space when applied to the wall. These patterns are bold and exciting !
Tip Four
Stripes can make a ceiling look higher so these are great in low ceiling rooms. Horizontal stripes make a room seem wider.
Tip Five
Textures, such as heavy grass cloth or expanded vinyl, create dimension, interest, and surface quality. They create shadows and slight colour differences for a more interesting wall surface.
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